Quality Service Guaranteed: 859-753-3808 

Farm Paint

We specialize in High quality Black Fence painting, White Fence Painting and Barn Painting throughout the Lexington Kentucky area and Louisville KY area, as well as the eastern part of the United States. we are Based in versailles kentucky, the heart of the Thoroughbred farm area.  

Family owned and operated,
we offer fully insured, high quality workmanship. We are the best choice for any of your farm painting needs. 


We offer both Black Fence Paint and White Fence Paint as well as many colors of Barn Paint. We use only the highest quality of farm paint offered. 

Fence Painter in Lexington

Barn Painter In kentucky

Check out samples of our most recent fence painting and barn painting on our Services Page, and you'll agree that we're your best choice.

Bluegrass Fence and Barn Painting

PHONE: 859-753-3808